This project was to create a deck of playing cards from scratch using mixed media. The subject matter was our choice, and Game of Thrones seemed like an obvious one.
I began my concept using photos of the characters, but wanted a look and feel like the cards were made in the era of Game of Thrones. I then switched the medium to hand drawn Pen & Ink portraits of all of the characters for a more handmade feel.
I sorted each of the main characters of the show into their retrospective houses along with their suit of cards and colors to match. Each one needed their animal symbols to represent the four different suits of cards.
Although the process of hand drawing each of the face cards took a lot of extra time, it definitely reflected in the final product with a much more unique look.
The card box itself I also took from a computer drawn to a hand drawn pen & ink style to match.
The final piece of the project was to physically print the cards themselves. They turned out perfect printed on a rough canvas paper to give them a more "Game of Thrones" feel. Overall I had a lot of fun with this project mixing different mediums and creating something unique that I will be using for years to come.